Manali To Leh Tempo Traveller

Manali To Leh Tempo Traveller – We have lowest taxi rates for manali to Leh Ladakh taxi services. We offer INNOVA, TATA SUMO, MAHINDRA SCORPIO, XYLO type vehicles fit for Manali Leh Jeep Safari. Many travellers like Innova taxi from manali to Leh Ladakh for its comfort and performance.
We offer Manali to Leh Ladakh Taxi service through a range of luxury and economical vehicles. Manali to Leh is a journey of 475 km which is done easily over a period of two days. We offer Toyota Innova, Mahindra Scorpio and Tempo Traveler vehicles for Manali to Leh safari. These vehicles are the most reliable and most comfortable on this route.
Feel Free To Contact Us : 09816024288 :: 09736524288
Manali to Leh Ladakh Taxi service is usually two day journey and guests have to stay either in Keylong or Sarchu campo sites. The reasons for halt on journey is due to high altitude which needs acclimatization and adjustment of human body in relation to altitude or temperature variation. All travellers and guests are advised to take a halt on journey so that Manali eh Taxi journey becomes enjoyable !
Our drivers are well-versed in Manali to Leh Ladakh Taxi Service, as we conduct hundreds of excursions during the brief period when the road is open. The Manali to Leh safari provides one of the best views of the inner Himalayas. The journey is full of adventure, and one must keep up with the changing weather conditions. With bad roads in the monsoon and river crossings, driving over the high mountainous road requires a great deal of skill.
For Leh, there are no flights available from Manali. Trains too are not available for this region since the Ladakh region does not have any railroads. Roads are the only means of travel between the two stations (Manali to Leh) and the region is immensely rich in Natural Beauty worth photography and lifetime experience !
Contact us for a reasonable and reasonably priced taxi service between Manali and Leh. Our guests can travel in Innova, Xylo, Scorpio, and Tempo Traveller vehicles. We have local, courteous, and experienced drivers who have years of experience driving on the difficult Manali-Leh highway. Our vehicles have been modified to handle any type of road surface. Our cabs are serviced on a regular basis, and our drivers are familiar with all routes and tourist attractions. The drivers have been trained to handle any type of emergency.
Taxi service to Ladakh, Manali Leh Taxi Booking, Taxi from Manali to Leh, Leh Manali Cab Service, One Way Taxi from Manali to Leh Ladakh, Taxi Services in Manali for Ladakh, Manali to Leh Direct Taxi Service, Manali to Leh Taxi in Two Days, Car from Manali to Leh, Innova from Manali to Leh, Car Rental Services in Manali